23rd November 2017
Dun duuun!
I’m back! I got home last night after two nights of no proper sleep at all and my head still feels dizzy. But it’s all worth it! Japan is such a beautiful, inspiring place. Its culture even more interesting that I imagined.
But back to the comic! This Sunday is Bookwyrms’ 2nd Anniversary. Time flies! I’m very grateful for the community of readers it has gathered in these two years, thank you all!
Just like I did last year, I’m going to take this opportunity to spread the word about Bookwyrms, so this Sunday 26th I’ll be releasing the new Bookwyrms wallpaper and I will share posts about it on twitter, facebook and tumblr. Anyone sharing these posts will be helping hugely to raise the comic’s visibility, so as a thank you, I will choose one of them randomly to get a full design of themselves as a character in the comic! Unfortunately there are no upcoming scenes this time where even background characters can appear so, if the winner agrees, they can show up in the comic the next time a background character is required : D If you want to participate in this draw, just make sure you reply to any of the social media posts about the wallpaper as well as share it.
Last year I asked for your favourite character, and this time I’m going to ask you: what character are you most suspicious of?
Draw rules summed up:
– Participate from Facebook by sharing publicly the post about the 2Year Wallpaper and replying to it with your most suspicious character.
– Participate from Twitter by retweeting the tweet about the 2Year Wallpaper and replying to it with your most suspicious character.
– Participate from tumblr by reblogging the post about the 2Year Wallpaper and replying to it with your most suspicious character.
– You can participate in several of those to get additional chances.
– You don’t have to buy the 2Year Wallpaper to participate, what I value here is the will to spread the word about the comic!
– The deadline to take part in the draw will be Wednesday 29th at 5pm GMT. After that, I’ll add all names to random.org (or similar website) and will announce the winner the next day, Thursday 30th, when the new page goes up. OH and that same day I will also make that announcement I said about something I started working on which was not the printed edition. Can’t wait!
PS. I’ve seen there’s a ton of new comments in the comic, I will reply to them at some point today or tomorrow! ♥
PS2. My brain is not at its best right now, so I might be forgetting something/be giving confusing information. In that case I’ll update this later, please bear with me!